Well, the lockdown hasn’t left me with much spare time, to be honest. But last weekend, I finally had enough with my dock always resetting my default audio inputs and outputs in pulseaudio, whenever my laptop was coming back from suspend: it switches from the analog headphone jack to the USB input/output via the dock. Highly annoying when you have lots of video conferences and you always have to fiddle with your audio settings before entering a meeting.
Therefore, I was wondering whether I could hack together a simple Python application that would allow me to define profiles, making it easier to restore setups. And there is: pulsectl.
Long story short, I created two little projects this week:
- python-pulseaudio-profiles – command-line utilities for managing (create/apply/delete/list) pulseaudio profiles
- python-pulseaudio-profiles-trayicon – a little Gtk-based tray-icon application that uses the above library to manage the profiles (create/apply/delete)
Well, at least one itch that got scratched. 🙂