Simple virtual environment manager for Weka

The last few hours, I put together a little, command-line based virtual environment manager for Weka. This manager allows you to have multiple Weka installations in parallel by separating them using the WEKA_HOME environment variable when launching the Weka installations.

At this stage, it is only used for launching the GUI.

Here are some example command-lines:

  • Create an environment for Weka 3.8.1 create -n weka381 -w /home/fracpete/programs/weka/weka-3-8-1/weka.jar
  • Launch the GUIChooser for this environment guichooser -n weka381

When creating an environment, you can also set specific Java binaries and heap size.

Here is the project homepage:

Just reworked this tool a little bit, replacing the command-line parser with my own in order to pass on left-over command-line options to the Weka class that is being launched. Also now always using double-dash options to avoid clashes with Weka options. It is possible to launch arbitrary Weka classes (ones with main method, of course) using the new run command.
The above examples now look like this:

  • Create an environment for Weka 3.8.1 create –name weka381 –weka /home/fracpete/programs/weka/weka-3-8-1/weka.jar
  • Launch the GUIChooser for this environment guichooser weka381

This is now available with release 0.0.3.